This is Info file ../info/vip, produced by Makeinfo-1.55 from the input file vip.texinfo. Distribution ************ Copyright (C) 1987 Masahiko Sato. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the same conditions as for modified versions. Indirect: vip-1: 724 vip-2: 49774 Tag Table: (Indirect) Node: Top Node: Survey Node: Basic Concepts Node: Loading VIP Node: Modes in VIP Node: Emacs Mode Node: Vi Mode Node: Insert Mode Node: Differences from Vi Node: Undoing Node: Changing Node: Searching 10338 Node: z Command 11048 Node: Counts 11379 Node: Marking 11880 Node: Region Commands 12380 Node: New Commands 13048 Node: New Bindings 15797 Node: Window Commands 17959 Node: Buffer Commands 18424 Node: File Commands 18904 Node: Misc Commands 19266 Node: Vi Commands 19677 Node: Numeric Arguments 20615 Node: Important Keys 21105 Node: Buffers and Windows 22843 Node: Files 25060 Node: Viewing the Buffer 28285 Node: Mark Commands 30174 Node: Motion Commands 31028 Node: Searching and Replacing 36553 Node: Modifying Commands 38820 Node: Delete Commands 40290 Node: Yank Commands 41989 Node: Put Back Commands 42869 Node: Change Commands 44318 Node: Repeating and Undoing Modifications 45333 Node: Other Vi Commands 46148 Node: Commands in Insert Mode 49774 Node: Ex Commands 51839 Node: Ex Command Reference 53014 Node: Customization 59496 Node: Customizing Constants 59913 Node: Customizing Key Bindings 61232 End Tag Table